Totty Studio of Vocal & Piano Artistry
Hannah + Peter: 11-11-2023
"The Year In Creativity Blog" 2023 Edition
Church, Community, Conner Prairie, Craft, Family, Filmography, Friends, Greek, ignite camp, Music, Personal, Photography, The Media Buff, Year-in-ReviewKeith HarshbargerRecap, Travel, Personal, ignite camp, Camp, Rewind, Conner Prairie, Wedding
National Night Out 2023
Ciara + Nick: 07-15-2023
Filmography, WeddingsKeith Harshbargerwedding, marriage, recap, Recap, art, video, Video, Film, film
“Life Is Short, The Art Long” Greece 2023
Filmography, Friends, Personal, PhotographyKeith Harshbargerart, travel, Family, video, Video, photography, Videography